Wednesday, 3 December 2014

WAL about financial literacy

In my history of money project, I found out that money was first used in China. 

In class we earned class dollars for working well or taking responsibility. 
In our inquiry groups, we decided we decided what we were going to make and sell at the market day. 
We surveyed another class and used the information to make decisions about our product. 

The materials we used.

Our progress making the lolly pop animals. 

First we made the spider legs. 
Then we made the eyes 
We put the spider legs and the eyes on the lolly pop. 

Maths knowledge and strategy.

Soccer and Gymnastics

This year I have participated in:

Athletics day!

Feelings: butterflies, nervous, proud, happy, hot, satisfied, puffed, warned out.


Action words: strong, fit, speedy, sprinting,dashed, sweating, numb legs, sore muscles, jogging, curve.

Zoom! The 9 year old girls dashed down the track speeding round a curve and printing to the finish.  the scool cheered as they flung themselves towards the finish line. It was athletics day! the the 9 year old boy opens sudenly got called up to the start.  I had butterflies and I was nerves. It was Ben cole me and some others racing. “On your marks,"shouted Mrs Corneleis “get set, GO!" I felt fit as I dashed to the corner I here'd Ben panting behind me. I curved around the corner. When I herd Ben coming closer I started sprinting to the finish. “YAAAAAY!" Yeled every one" I crossed the finish line and started jogging. I took big breths as I my number one card. I had sore muscles, numb legs and I was sweating. I sat down and wated until my next race.  Finally it was my next race “9 year old boy opens short print," called Mr Wallis. I was in a race with all of the people I had before. “On your marks, get set, and… GO! Yelled a teacher. We were of. I saw Cole looking at me trying his hardest. For a second I thought Cole had won but I relised that I had I had won. I got the number one card AGAIN! I sat down after two races I felt like I had non legs, more sore muscles, and sweating every were. “good running," said Luke.



Monday, 1 December 2014


This is my prediction 
These are my results

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Reading - Cats-opinion

Green: bad
                                                                                              Pink: good
                                                                                              Yellow: interesting 

Monday, 10 November 2014

Note to Miss Brody

Room 9
Clive school
School road

11th November 2014

Miss Brody

Dear Miss Brody
Thank you for teaching the room 9s year fours last week while the year fives went to camp.

It was helpful to us because I think I got better at poetry. I think I might have got better at P.E and maths (orienteering.)

I particularly enjoyed the softball games we did on the field. I found out that you can get poems that don't rhyme.

Thank you again for taking care of all of the room 9s year fours.

Yours sincerely
Oliver Roberts.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Lester and Clyde production

The hall was packed with people wating for the school production. It looked like there were about two hundred chairs in the hall (but there was) and there was STILL not enough chairs!  It was so hot that I got sweaty.

 The first half was the juniors bit, they sang 3 little birds except it was 2 little frogs then I'm on my way and stuff like that. Room 8 sang hit the road jack then it was our turn we walked into the hall and onto the stage.

 Siah did his bird call then Aleaha did hers Siah replied Aleaha soon called again then the metronome app started and after 4 light sounds Dallas and Mekhi scraped the scraper. Soon after that Vivi and Niki did there thing and when the finger clicking people started Tandia and Harper started clapping. Then Lewis and me wispered spooky spooky spooky after that Katie and Caitlin sang it's getting really dark it's getting really dark. Then The creepy crawly critters ow people siad creepy crawly critters ow. Then we all got lower and faster then Calvin and Harrison wobbled a poster and we all went silence and Tom and Aaron did a goust sound "oooooooooooo" 

And the readers said there thing and the yesterday song went on and we sang yesterday. 

Monday, 22 September 2014

My certificates for term3.

These are my certificates. I worked hard for them. 


READING 23.9.14

Art 23.9.14

    We studied the art of hunderwasser 


The staff car park was packed with loud children wating for there cross country race. The car park had mini road cones with numbers on them to show what age group the children were in. I saw that the yellow line is were we started (and finished.) Suddenly Mr. Wallace shouted into his mike "9 year olds to the starting line."It was my turn now. All the 9 year olds steped onto the yellow line and waited until Mr. Wallace clapped the clappers. 
Finally Mr. Wallace whispered "5, 4, 3, 2, 1"
 BANG! He clapped the clappers together. And we started the race. At first I was behind then I started to speed up. We dashed over the bridge and down the pathway. I slid past Harrison, shot around Mr. Bassit (who was standing by the church.) Just then Harrison flung himself past me. But in a couple of seconds whoosh I past him. Finally the crowd of 9 year olds got to the staff car park and started to run down to room 3. We sored past room 5 and room 4 and around into the teachers driveway again. I zoomed onto the path way and around room 3 AND ALMOST TRIPPED OVER! When I passed room 8 and turned the corner  Calany came curving around the corner and almost passing me but suddenly I zoomed passed the finish line and at the same time It was all over. I felt my heart it was beating like 2 times a second. 

Sunday, 21 September 2014

App sharing

           This is sound brush one of my favourite apps that mr. Wallace showed me. 


Wednesday, 10 September 2014


I can put fractions on a number line by myself. 

I can use 'splits' t subtract numbers by my self. 
I can take away bigger numbers too by myself. 
I took ten off and used 'splits' to take away the ones. 

Thursday, 24 July 2014

WALT use the description bubble to improve our stories.

The chair

The chair is very stong plastic and has holes in it. It has 23 holes in it.
It is a dark blue colour.It is quite dark you can even see the scratches in it. 

It has 4 strong legs.  It could even carry three people!

The chair helps you sit down and reach places where you can't reach.

The car

The car is a Honda, a type of car that's probably a 2 wheel drive.

It is a very dark purpley blue or black.

It has quite thick tyres that are black like the night.

The car would weigh about 1.8 to 2 tons maybe. 

The shelf

The shelf is white. You can even see the scratches.

It sits beside the white board even touching it.

It would be about 2.1/2 to 3 m long and the width is 30 cm.

The shelf hold clip-folders, scissors and stuff like that.

Monday, 23 June 2014

W.A.L.A vortex

Because air takes up space, there is air in the bottle at the bottom. As the air moves up it forces the water to move around it as it moves downe, forming a vortex.

Maths sum dog 2014 24.6.14

I like this app because it helps me to learn skip counting 

Sunday, 22 June 2014


In science we were learning about surface tension.We put water on a coin and it stayed on the coin. This happened because of the surface tension the surface tension holds the water drops together.

FIElD TRIP. 23.6.14

Oh poo!!, I said as I steped on the soggy and wet grass. Me, my class and room 8 were at the the smally transfer station. We were there to lern about recycling and rubbish. The lady infont of us said stuff like what you can recycle and what you can't recycle.

The lady's name was Angela. My fave fact that Angela said was that our poler fleces were made out of plastic."in 10 to 12 years you could walk across the land fill, because it would be filled with rubbish," said Angela. As we walled past the land fill I smalt it it was bad in was cow poo. Wall it smalt like poo.

Nets June 2014

These are prisms. By Oliver

Monday, 7 April 2014

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Out side.

In this story I worked on using interesting sentences with joiners and correct capitals and full stops.

I feel really cold as I feel the bumby stons. As I feel the soft leaves,I hear the feet on the path. I feel the cold freezing wind as I hear the noisy children. As I hear the bridge creacing, I see the trees moving.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

My math graphs

Walt: collect data and present it in a range of graphs

Look at the graphs I made.