Wednesday, 3 December 2014
WAL about financial literacy
Athletics day!
Feelings: butterflies, nervous, proud, happy, hot, satisfied, puffed, warned out.
Action words: strong, fit, speedy, sprinting,dashed, sweating, numb legs, sore muscles, jogging, curve.
Zoom! The 9 year old girls dashed down the track speeding round a curve and printing to the finish. the scool cheered as they flung themselves towards the finish line. It was athletics day! the the 9 year old boy opens sudenly got called up to the start. I had butterflies and I was nerves. It was Ben cole me and some others racing. “On your marks,"shouted Mrs Corneleis “get set, GO!" I felt fit as I dashed to the corner I here'd Ben panting behind me. I curved around the corner. When I herd Ben coming closer I started sprinting to the finish. “YAAAAAY!" Yeled every one" I crossed the finish line and started jogging. I took big breths as I my number one card. I had sore muscles, numb legs and I was sweating. I sat down and wated until my next race. Finally it was my next race “9 year old boy opens short print," called Mr Wallis. I was in a race with all of the people I had before. “On your marks, get set, and… GO! Yelled a teacher. We were of. I saw Cole looking at me trying his hardest. For a second I thought Cole had won but I relised that I had I had won. I got the number one card AGAIN! I sat down after two races I felt like I had non legs, more sore muscles, and sweating every were. “good running," said Luke.