The hall was packed with people wating for the school production. It looked like there were about two hundred chairs in the hall (but there was) and there was STILL not enough chairs! It was so hot that I got sweaty.
The first half was the juniors bit, they sang 3 little birds except it was 2 little frogs then I'm on my way and stuff like that. Room 8 sang hit the road jack then it was our turn we walked into the hall and onto the stage.
Siah did his bird call then Aleaha did hers Siah replied Aleaha soon called again then the metronome app started and after 4 light sounds Dallas and Mekhi scraped the scraper. Soon after that Vivi and Niki did there thing and when the finger clicking people started Tandia and Harper started clapping. Then Lewis and me wispered spooky spooky spooky after that Katie and Caitlin sang it's getting really dark it's getting really dark. Then The creepy crawly critters ow people siad creepy crawly critters ow. Then we all got lower and faster then Calvin and Harrison wobbled a poster and we all went silence and Tom and Aaron did a goust sound "oooooooooooo"