Sunday, 23 November 2014

Reading - Cats-opinion

Green: bad
                                                                                              Pink: good
                                                                                              Yellow: interesting 

Monday, 10 November 2014

Note to Miss Brody

Room 9
Clive school
School road

11th November 2014

Miss Brody

Dear Miss Brody
Thank you for teaching the room 9s year fours last week while the year fives went to camp.

It was helpful to us because I think I got better at poetry. I think I might have got better at P.E and maths (orienteering.)

I particularly enjoyed the softball games we did on the field. I found out that you can get poems that don't rhyme.

Thank you again for taking care of all of the room 9s year fours.

Yours sincerely
Oliver Roberts.