Wednesday, 3 December 2014

WAL about financial literacy

In my history of money project, I found out that money was first used in China. 

In class we earned class dollars for working well or taking responsibility. 
In our inquiry groups, we decided we decided what we were going to make and sell at the market day. 
We surveyed another class and used the information to make decisions about our product. 

The materials we used.

Our progress making the lolly pop animals. 

First we made the spider legs. 
Then we made the eyes 
We put the spider legs and the eyes on the lolly pop. 

Maths knowledge and strategy.

Soccer and Gymnastics

This year I have participated in:

Athletics day!

Feelings: butterflies, nervous, proud, happy, hot, satisfied, puffed, warned out.


Action words: strong, fit, speedy, sprinting,dashed, sweating, numb legs, sore muscles, jogging, curve.

Zoom! The 9 year old girls dashed down the track speeding round a curve and printing to the finish.  the scool cheered as they flung themselves towards the finish line. It was athletics day! the the 9 year old boy opens sudenly got called up to the start.  I had butterflies and I was nerves. It was Ben cole me and some others racing. “On your marks,"shouted Mrs Corneleis “get set, GO!" I felt fit as I dashed to the corner I here'd Ben panting behind me. I curved around the corner. When I herd Ben coming closer I started sprinting to the finish. “YAAAAAY!" Yeled every one" I crossed the finish line and started jogging. I took big breths as I my number one card. I had sore muscles, numb legs and I was sweating. I sat down and wated until my next race.  Finally it was my next race “9 year old boy opens short print," called Mr Wallis. I was in a race with all of the people I had before. “On your marks, get set, and… GO! Yelled a teacher. We were of. I saw Cole looking at me trying his hardest. For a second I thought Cole had won but I relised that I had I had won. I got the number one card AGAIN! I sat down after two races I felt like I had non legs, more sore muscles, and sweating every were. “good running," said Luke.



Monday, 1 December 2014


This is my prediction 
These are my results