WALT: write an explanation about why leaves change colour in autumn
why leaves fall off trees in autumn
why we have different seasons
- a general introduction that introduces the topic.
- ideas grouped into paragraphs with each paragraph focusing on a different idea.
- a variety of different sentence lengths.
- consistent appropriate tense throughout.
- a conclusion that sums up the topic. Here is my explanation.
Why do leaves fall off the trees?
Trees need (water and sun) energy to grow which they can't get in winter.
The energy trees need are made up of water, sun heat and sunlight which power there leaves, to grow. The roots reach the water under ground and the leaves absorb the heat and light, which gets turned into food.
Deciduous trees lose their leaves but some trees don't because they have really deep roots, these trees also have big amounts of leaves spread out along the trees to get more heat, light and water to make food, these trees are called evergreen trees.
Trees shed their leaves in winter, because there's not enough light p, heat and water so they lose leaves and save energy in their trunk and survive throughout winter. They then grow another layer of leaves to shed again the next year.
Trees keep their energy in there leaves in summer and spring but then it starts turning to winter and the tree thinks “Oh I need to shed my leaves and put my energy in my trunk and store it”
So alway when you're playing with some leaves think of all of what the leaves and tree have gone through to survive.
My next step is to make my work more detailed.
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